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W6743521 Part 1

Sometimes I just have to tell somebody about my day. Fair warning, I’m pretty much a tool-bag, so read on only if you’re ready to enter the mind of an extremely shallow doooood. Okay, so to be honest my day didn’t really start until around 11 a.m. I woke up late-ish at around 8:30, watched way too much Sportscenter, Everybody Hates Chris, and listened to too much music. My mom was gone all day for the first time probably ever, so I felt invincible. At around 11, I went outside and played my little brother in some 1-on-1 basketball. I don’t really play defense on him because that’s just unfair, and today I decided I would only shoot really obscure trick-shots. Somehow, miraculously, through the aid of Zeus, the lightning God, and Burwest, the basketball God (I completely made that up) I won the game by two baskets. It was so nice outside. It hasn’t been that nice outside in a very long time [CURSE YOU MOSPING!!! (The vicious, unrelenting winter God that I just made up)]. Then after eating a disgusting amount of quinoa (yes, I’m that guy that eats quinoa), rice (yes I ate quinoa and rice in the same meal), and watermelon, I was re-energized!! So I went on a……………….wow, I’m sitting here typing this instead of being outside more on this beautiful day. I gotta get back outside. My bad for ending so abruptly, the sun and cool breeze through my window just feel too good to not exploit. I might finish this tonight… probz not…long story short it was a good day. Be back later, bye

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