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Waiting for love

Now love does not suck, it’s just that if you don’t do it right then it really painfully “sucks”. For me love has taken it’s toll on me, i have fallen in love, fallen out of love then realized i still loved her and then i finally came to the conclusion that what my mom told me in the first place when i first brought up to topic of girlfriends was right. Wait until college to get a girlfriend, now i’m just a senior in high school (well going to be), but i have helped plenty of people to know where relationships in high school are going and yes I’ve had my own drama, but never have i had a girlfriend,people tell me “oh you should try to get a girlfriend” and in the past i have tried, but i am shy when it comes to expressing my feelings, and also i am afraid, afraid of a broken heart for good reason too, but that’s another story, anyway because of my fear of broken hearts i am a lot more careful when i start to like someone, i tend to ignore those feelings, and it sucks but it’s better than a broken heart, you could say that my heart has been bruised but never broken maybe cracked but not opened, and so as i analyze all the relationships of my friends and the lessons from my elders i have come to realize that the best way to never get a broken heart is to wait for the one. I’ve seen so many of my friends cry their eyes out because their partner left them and really there is such a small chance that it truly is love at such a young age, yes i said in the beginning I’ve had my share of love,but when i refer to love i mean puppy love, the fallen in love aspect, a small part of what love truly is. And yet even though i am in “love” i have come to realize that even if i gathered enough courage to ask her out what good would that do, one year of dating and then go off to college, try to do long distance and end up breaking up or taking a break which is pretty much meaning you’ve broken up. Yeah that ended well, and even in college it will be hard because of how busy you are juggling work and school, but at least you have a lot more freedom than in high school as well as money in your pocket. It’s just that having a relationship in high school is like a band aid for your lonely heart, but like all band aid you have to throw it away when it gets worn out and it will get worn out. So all you can really truly do is WAIT, and yet waiting is what gets us we are all impatient and maybe it’s not even impatient we are just not strong enough to wait for that long and then end up giving our hearts to someone who has no idea what to do with it or just uses it for comfort for a while and then throws it away. But those strong enough to wait for love, will find their reward. and at this very moment i am waiting and i know i’ll find love, because eventually every falls in love.

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