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Confused teen

I dream about you all the time and i simply dont know what to do with myself. I keep going back and forth and back in forth I LOVE YOU, not i dont, I LOVE YOU, no i dont, I LOVE YOU, no i dont and its driving me crazy. I cant decide if you like me or you just pretend you do when you dont have any girls to force to fall for you. I cant and i wont stop looking at you perfectness and i wish you would just stop dating other people and pull me aside and say “i want to talk to you more” and give me your number so we can talk all the time and you will end up telling me that you like me and i will like you and you wont even look at another girl until next year when im allowed to date. But we all know nothing we make up in our heads ever happens i honestly wish that things were like they use to be when we talked all the time but then again i was afraid of you so never mind. why do you have to be so perfect i dont even like you WHAT am i saying i love you no i hate you go away i love you! im so confused someone help me.

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