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i was crazy about you but no one knew when the teachers announced that we had dance as part of the arts i was sad excited and nervous then because that dance i had to face my fear holding hands with you it was really scary but i know you dont like me im fat and ugly i remember just staring at you trying to copy your actions hoping people would think that we were alike but no also it was great feeling playing in the same game as you and the whole group it may have not meant anything to you but little things that that cheered me up then you started your own games with your other friends i remember bring it in tiggy and you were the first one i caught. i didnt really have contact with you no talking emailing nothing until the last day of the year i actually talked to you and hung out with you the whole day but that was the last day of the year i looked forward to going back to school the next year but the first day well we did not even talk i remember me and my friend were teasing you and my other best friend that was funny during the holidays me and my friend would talk to each other non stop teasing you two i played cool and my friend did not know how hurt i was the next year we had dance again and surprise we had to make a dance with a group and it had to have both boys and girls and well you were in my group then one of my friend told you i liked you i trusted her but then i made some story that you were just a cover up of the real person that dance brought both of us together really well and i hope we stay friends and keep in tackt this time i just dont wanna follow you around with you noticing me i have made you laugh and smile i hope that can happen more i remember you giving up basketball practice just for dance that may not meant anything t you but it meant the world to me i hope we become closer but this is the last in in the same school together im going to a cheap stuck up high school that my mom wants me to go to but my dad wants me to go the posh private school your going to but no its always about the mom anyway i hope we become good friend and i hope we still keep in contact even in high school.

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