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i wish he wasn’t famous

well i fell in love with a guy , but the problem is that he lives far away from me & he has never heard about me ever, he doesn’t even know that i exsiste , & that’s what kills me the most, sometimes i wish he wasn’t famous at liste i get a chance to talk to him on the internet like a friend at liste, but being famous means that he’s busy all the time & when i was hoping like maybe someday he’ll follow me on twitter but her never did & i think he never will!! sometimes he comes on ligne just to post a pic of him or like hi what’s up!! i find like all the girls screaming & tweetting hey plz follow me i love you & stuff, but which makes me feel absed is that he could never follow all of us, he could never read our tweets he could never see the vidoes & stuffs that we’ve made for him all of as the girls!! now i realy don’t know i want to go to UK maybe i’ll get a chance to meet him & talk to him, but the problem is that my parents won’t let me go :/ cuz i’m young & they are afraid maybe something wrong will like happen to me !! i hate my life what should i do?? plz don’t advice me to forget about him cuz i can’t !!

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