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pandora’s box……

Pandora’s box was opened 2 years ago…I saw your e-mail address in a group e-mail. I wanted to ask you a thousand questions. I had a crush quite a few years ago in the late eighties. You were everything I ever wanted. Was it an addiction. Was it just a crush? After a few drinks at such a young tender age of my late teens, I said to myself,I will come back for that one day. I just needed to grow up. I needed to experience life first. I was just too young for you. So I sent you an e-mail in hopes of a happened. We talked back and forth. Light chats.nothing real serious. Then one day I spilled my guts.the secret is out. I told you about the crush….done.I did it. It was off my chest into your mind. You were shocked. 15 year age difference was not even an issue. Was never talked about. We got closer and closer.much closer than I ever thought. There was interest between us. I could feel it. There was curiousity. There was spark. The convos were getting more intimate. ……i just opened pandoras box and i dont care what happens now…I love it…….

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