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love spins me round

I split up with a girl, we had been together for 11 years, got a kid of 8 from the relationship. This happened about 10 months ago. For the last 6 months I’ve been seeing someone I met online. Its been great but this one is over too, the distance and commitments just too much.

What I’ve realised, is that for all the fun and learning of the last 6-10 months, I’m still me and I haven’t addressed the fundamentals. Before I get into another relationship, I need to get my finances, my career (I have a good job, just not one that I want to be in for yet another 5 years..) and I want to save some money up too. This is a period of a few years now were I concentrate on me, and my daughter of course, and its about time.

Relationships are great, if you’re ready for one and able to accept they might not work out. I have no regrets about seeing someone far too soon after the last relationship – she is a great girl who opened my eyes to a lot, and I genuinely hope we remain friends..I’m lucky that she was my reintroduction to the dating and relationship world, couldn’t have asked for more.

So…here I go again on my own. And its cool. It will be lonely at times, and the physical thing will be missed a lot, y’know it hurts to write that!, but it aint forever. Thats always the truth.

Good luck everyone, with all your own personal battles. Life is short, so lets fill it up.

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