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Trying to be *normal* in High School.

You are beautiful. You are special. NO one on our planet is the same. You are rare. There is only one of you. There will only be.. one of you. Be yourself, be confident, be happy.
The way I see things, our society is messed up. We see these gorgeous models, actors, musicians, you know.. the public figures. We consider these massively successful, gorgeous, rich, “amazing” people to be society’s *NORMAL* We envy them. we look up to them. We try to be them.
When you look in that mirror, you may see something you don’t like. “I’m fat. I’m ugly. I hate the way I look.” It makes you upset. It lowers your confidence. It makes you stressed. So you try to be that model, that actress, that popular kid at school.
It all doesn’t matter. Trying to be someone your not is VERY stressful. It creates an imbalance in your mind. Your mind wants to be free. Your body wants you to be you. But you block it off. You’re worried about being judged for being you. You’re afraid you’re not normal. Its hard being something you’re not. It’ll make things worse.

(I’ve been there)

I’ve done it. I was never that popular person I always wanted to be in High School. I mean, who doesn’t want to be popular? I was single, I was lonely, I had few friends, I was depressed. Trying to be/act/look like someone I was not didn’t work either. Most the time it just brought more stress into the picture. I nearly lost myself in the endless battle of trying to be that popular guy with that gorgeous girlfriend and loved by everyone. In the process I nearly lost myself.
I dropped out. Failing, not motivated, feeling worthless, I left High School last year. Within a couple weeks I decided to join a GED class. I was the youngest one there. Most the people were 21+, while myself only being 16. I felt even more alone, being that I knew no one there. After a few weeks of sitting alone a couple older guys joined me at my table and talked to me. Turns out we had a lot in common. We talked. We studied together. We became friends. They all had been through a lot too. One of them had been homeless since he was 16. Another was only 21 and had skin cancer. They taught me a lot of life lessons. I did something I hadn’t done in a long time. I was myself.
It turned around my life. After always feeling stupid in High School, going for my GED showed me that I wasn’t stupid. In fact I realized I was smart. Math was my strong point. After a month I was already doing Geometry and some Algebra II. I never thought I would be so good at math. I mean, I failed Algebra I 3 times. Two months of attending classes later, I was told that I was ready. I signed up to take my GED and when the time came, I took the test.
By this time, I wasn’t as depressed as I was before. I was more confident. I was smiling more. I was happy. Something I haven’t been in years. When I sat down and took my test, I blew through it. Everything was so simple for me. I turned it in then went home and waited 2 weeks for my results.
My results came in. I don’t think I have opened an envelope so quickly in my life. I passed. Not only did I pass, but I had finished in the top 10% of the whole state. My entire outlook had changed.
Between all the stories, all the stories of more experienced individuals, all the classes. I finally understood myself. I realized who I am and I embraced it. I am me. I am special. I am good looking.


Some of you may not have experienced the self hate that a lot of us go through as teenagers. The loneliness. The sadness. The pain.

But to those of you who have, or are going through right now, just remember. You are you. No one else will ever be the same as you. NO ONE. You have one life to live, live your own life. If you people don’t like you, they weren’t worth your time anyways. Don’t let them get you down.


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