Site icon Somewhere To Write


What does it take to write some lyrics
To write a song or a poem that wont be picked apart by critics
To put in something meaningful about souls, and spirits
Id love to write a song but I’d leave you in hysterics.
Also i’d have to make it rhyme,
and im s*** at that,so it will take some time,
it will hardly work, there will be no flow,
But ive got nothing better to do, ill give it a go.

So Im lying here awake waiting for some inspiration,
Im finding it hard but i hope i have the patience,
Because one day i might finally write something good,
Something worth reading, hoping one day i would,
Have the courage to show them, show them i could.
Or maybe I’d reveal myself, as the person often misunderstood.

Because everyone sees me and judges me there and then,
Aided by the rumors repeated about me again and again,
So I dont give off a good first impression,
So maybe take this rhyme in as a lesson,
Because im not all i seem to be,
The person inside of me is not what you first see,
Im not superficial like all of the others,
I dont spend my life looking for lovers,
You see theres alot more to my world, like my mother.

Weve been through alot, my mum and me,
Well not just us, our whole family,
We started out pretty good, made of money,
And that of course we took all appreciatively.

But under their disguise of perfection,
My parents had no affection,
What seemed liked a paradise,
Could have left my mum paralysed.

Hearing things about your father you would never expect,
Leaves your feelings about him mixed and wrecked,
The worst thing is I dont know the rest of the story,
She cant tell me, because its too twisted and gory,
How worse can he get from the demon he already is,
What goes on in that sick dirty mind of his,
But i guess the rest of the her secret is best untold,
But forever in mine and her mind it will hold.

Its hard living with the man you believe to be a monster,
Especially when this atrocity is your father,
He showers you with affection and love,
His s*** gets old and im finally sick of,
it, but i still have that fatherly love.

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