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Whats happening to the world today

society and humanity is going down the drain,
the mindsets of some people are driving me insane.
people are idolised for good looks and drug abuse,
there are eleven year old kids out on the booze.
everyone is judged on how they look act and dress,
why is the society on earth becoming such a mess?
popularity is based on who wears no clothes,
whats so good about having no decency and being exposed?

people nowadays, they have no self respect,
we need to change our generation before humanity is wrecked,
sometimes i think that monkeys are better off running this place,
the younger generation is the downfall of our race,
its not all them, of course theyre not all to blame,
the older generation are pretty much the same,
ruining our earth with reliance on technology,
new gadgets are overused by people constantly

everyone ignores the scare of global warming,
so when our final day comes dont say we didnt get a warning,
were all too reliant on electricity and fuel,
how to use these devices is even shown at schools,
you see i dont believe in god,but we were put on earth for a reason,
were not fulfilling our purpose, weve all become demons.
were killing this earth for our future race,
there are so many things here i wish i could erase.

im just sitting here at a loss for words,
theres soldiers fighting out there havent you heard?
what are we doing with our lives just wasting away,
while brave men and women fight for their country every day.
they put their lives on the line and for what?
For us to worry and refuse to be seen because we have a spot
there are so many problems that we all choose to ignore,
just think about it, were giving them nothing to fight for.

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