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The 14year old monster

Everyday is a struggle. I have been looking for a place to talk about my problems but I have finally end here. I look around me and all I see is sadness. See I grew up a happy child, or what others like to call it innocently.But a couple months into middleschool, I got jumped and then molested. Now behind every corner there is a possible monster. My parents used to ask me why I was so afraid of the dark. I told them that I was afraid of what was in it. After that, I delved into depression hard. To make myself feel better, I became a monster.I am shameful ofsayingit but I am a masturbater. I have never told anyone, nor will I ever. It’s just.. so stressful. My dad is struggling with his jobs and now the threat of moving into a dump is drawing near. I have 4 other siblings and my mom is struggling with tryigto find a job. PARENTS keep fighting and I felelection like their is a piece of glass in my brain. I just look around me and I see n8 hope. Not yet.

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