Site icon Somewhere To Write


Just need somewhere to type . . .

i feel exhausted . . .

. . . like totally tempted to buy things online . . .

. . . anything that even mildly interests me . . .

. . . secret is though that it is all of my moms money . . .

it is not mine . . .

i have no idea how to "do" money as an autistic person of human being . . .

but purchasing things takes no skill but i still try to add skill to my choices . . .

i am opening myself up to idea of getting another Playstation . . .

i don't like idea that PS4 doesn't have backwards compatibility . . .

original PS3 does . . . i had that one for a long time until i sold it to Wes . . .

for pain pills . . .

i did get a nintendo switch and i have been playing classic nineties editions of crash bandicoot and it is a lot of fun . . .

but it can be challenging but isn't that point?

i don't want to waste money at all . . .

i have a lot of terror of that . . .

of just using worlds money willy nilly without being grateful for what i already have . . .

i don't know . . .

i'm grateful you guys are out here . . .

thanks for letting me share . . .

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