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A Christmas List for Jesus


Here is a non-item Christmas list;

-Hope for Jack that he finds a job and his tree building business comes together and he might find God in the program that speaks the most to him. Other wise that God guide him towards an understanding of his intimate condition.

-Hope for Beth that she gets what she truly needs, not just what her addicted brain craves, which is usually more dopamine and oxytocin. If God wants her hospitalized, or to get a raise from SSI, or to gain a better understanding of her diagnosis, grant her some hope that might life a little bit more livable for her, less dark and less lonely. Just grant the strength to her weakest of parts so that she can see her situation clearly through Gods eyes.

-Hope for Gretchen that she accepts herself just as she is without trying to look a certain way. That she thrives in college and doesn't need someone to tell her she's beautiful, even if it is nice to hear it once in a while. If God wants her in 12 step, also grant the hope that 12 step offers and guide her through the process of Gods holy name. (and unnameableness, so forth.)

-Hope for Saul that he gains some clarity about the possibility of a sex addiction. And help him to get some freedom from seeking women and pornography and masturbation. Help him to understand his violent impulses and his feelings of lonliness anger and hatred of americans and non-americans.

-Jackie for hope that she gets some freedom away from her dad and finds a life that is safe rather than unsafe and sees herself through Gods eyes rather than her dads sexfilled eyes. Help her to achieve the serenity that I am craving, an understanding of the bliss of Gods grace, so forth, that we might not have to act out for just one more day.

-Dawnley that she and Christian have a great marriage and get along as well as possible. Work out the kinks of a beginning marriage and find a way to be as familial as possible with their union and perhaps one day have a child they come to love and that teaches them more deeply about their love of God.

-Uncle Greg that he receives a repreive from all the work he does and the gift of rest graces him with such abundance that God can teach him how to manage and that if he needs a 12 step program, it is available, if God wills it. And also to discover the inner child that is hidden beneath all of the wounded parts of the militant upbringing he survived and endured, so forth.

-M. for a reprieve from her alcoholism and pain and sorrow and suffering. And some rest from that job that seems to never grant any kind of rest. As well as some satisfaction in finally arriving in the house we were all born into. And the ability to rejoice when the time comes. And as peaceful and holy an experience of the afterlife as possible. Guide her towards an understanding of Jesus love, promise, and emptiness.

Shelby- that she experiences an insurance in her marriage with Loretta and is able to take a few breaths without too much pain and sorrow. As well as cultivates a homely environment in Highland Park and that her illness, maladies and pain give her a sense of rest, because amidst all of the things the world has to offer, rest is the best gift we can give ourselves.

Dad- that he continues to play music for the old folks home as often as he is able and allowed to. As well as some forgiveness regarding the opiates he has to take for his pain. Give his body peace from the storm of pain that riddles his body. And a sense of comfort in the zones of his lonelinesses. Help him to see with Gods eyes in the parts and corners of his mind where paranoia dominates. Help him to take a breath without fear of suicide, murder or theft. Help him to see that he will be okay, no matter what. He has kept the faith and done as much as his body and spirit will allow him. Help him work the 12 steps even if he isn't working them. Grant him the grace to see with unholy eyes the holiness that surrounds him, so forth.

Silently Anonymous,

-The Archer

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