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Necronautical Unfocusedness

Sister G. and Brother J. are really acting out.

I'm having trouble distinguishing what is my pain and what pain is THE FAMILIAR(S).

Can God create a clarity in God?

I am feeling confusions anonymous about this aspect of the recoveries anonymous process.

Please heal the wounded members of THE FAMILIAR. (And yes, P-2-2 included.)

I can't breathe when Brother J. and Sister G. do that thing. I don't know what it is but it doesn't feel right. Can God help God heal this cloud of unknowing?

I hope that the next several steps of anonymity begin to create an understanding that doesn't need Me. I want to feel good about the international necronautical society.

There is allso vague resentment-triggers about Sona and the old room. I miss her. And I feel sad that it's gone. It took me so long to process this sad boy.

Please help God let her go. When I told Mirea I didn't love her anymore, it wasn't true. It was just the addiction I didn't love anymore.

I think the accidental gift God gave us was Dallas and Joel. I am glad that she and THE FAMILIAR have them to look out for International Necronautical Society.

Say Hi to Tyzanne as well. And give Beth grace enough to see her schizophrenia for what it is. A no-fault illness that she needs to show up for (for healing, no-one HAS to do anything). Jusst help this house heal without the Guideance of God. I will pray that eventually something comes into being that might make sense.

Just get rid of Brother J. and his cruelty. This doesn't seem so awesome.

Silently Anonymous,

-The Archer

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