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Questions – History

1. Summarize the events & causes leading to the Vietnam War. It all starts with the 1st Indochina War. Before World War Two, Vietnam had been part of the French Empire. During the war, the country had been overrun by the Japanese. When the Japanese retreated, the people of Vietnam took the opportunity to establish their own government lead by Ho Chi Minh. However, after the end of the war, the Allies gave back South Vietnam to the French while the north was left in the hands of the non-communist Chinese. The Nationalist Chinese treated the North Vietnamese very badly and support for Ho Chi Minh grew. He had been removed from power at the end of the war. The Chinese pulled out of North Vietnam in 1946 and the party of Ho Chi Minh took over – the Viet Minh.The following October the French declared their intention of reclaiming the North, this meant Viet Minh would have to fight for it. The war started that December, the French appointed a “New” ruler of Vietnam Bao Dai, he only ruled the South.The Russians and Eastern Europe refused to recognise his rule. They claimed that Ho Chi Minh was the real ruler of 1949 the Vietnamese National Army was formed.The French pulled out of the war in 1953 following a number of mission failures. In April 1954 the worlds powers met at Geneva to discuss Vietnam, they decided to split it into two at the 17th parallel they also decided that there will be a election in 1956 to pick Vietnam’s ruler in both North and South.It was to be supervised by neutral countries but it never came to be, leaving the split permanent. North Vietnam had 16 million people and was a agricultural nation and their weapons mostly came from China. South Vietnam also had 16 million people,its first proper leader was Ngo Dinh Diem who was a fanatic catholic. As communism hated religion, Diem hated all that communism stood for. This is why he got America’s support and also due to the Domino Theory.Ngo ruled as a dictator along with his brother Nhu they were brutal and know to have a poor record on human rights but they were backed by America.After the non-election of 1956, the Viet Minh became more active militarily. Their guerrillas now known as Viet Cong.They used the Ho Chi Minh Trail which was a 1000 mile trail along the border with Laos with heavy jungle coverage so that detection from the air was very difficult.The Viet Cong were trained by their commander Giap who learned from the tactics used by the Chinese communists in their fight against the Nationalist Chinese forces. He expected his troops to fight and help those in the south.He introduced a “hearts and minds” policy long before American got militarily involved. The Vietnam war was about to unfold.

2. Summarize the events & causes how Benito Mussolini’s rise to power in Italy. Before talking about his rise to power we have to talk about his young years.Benito Mussolini, in full Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini. He was born in July 29, 1883 to a blacksmith in the town of Predappio in northern central Italy. In 1902 he moved to Switzerland because in this home town employment prospects were poor. There he began his involvement in socialist politics. He returned to Italy in 1904 and began working for the socialist press. A few years later he was drafted into the Italian army as they entered The Great War. Thats it for his backstory now its time for his rise to power. In 1919 he would create the Fascist Party, gaining the support of many unemployed war veterans. He organized the squads of “Black Shirts” which terrorised opposing politcal parties. In 1921 they were invited to join the coalition goverment. By 1922 Italy was at the brink of political chaos. The Black Shirts marched on Rome and Mussolini presented himself as the only man capable of restoring order. King Victor Emmanuel invited Mussolini to form a government. Mussolini gradually dismantled the institutions of democratic government and in 1925 made himself dictator, taking the title ‘Il Duce’. He set about to turn Italy into a european superpower. In 1935, Mussolini invaded Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) and added it to his empire. He provided support to Franco in the Spanish Civil war and fought and lost in World War Two.

3. Summarize the events & causes behind the Russian Civil War 1917-1923. The causes behind the Russian civil war can be palced down to three. These are:The first reason was that there was bound to be a challenge to the Bolsheviks, who had seized power by a surprise coup d’état. After 1918, their political opponents tried to reverse it. The Bolsheviks had many enemies. One group who wanted to destroy the Bolsheviks were the Social Revolutionaries. At first, they had supported the November Revolution. elections had been held in November 1917 for a new government – the Assembly – in which the Bolsheviks had won 175 seats and the Social Revolutionaries 370 seats. However, when it met in 1918, Lenin used the Red Guards to close the Assembly, and killed anybody who objected. The Social Revolutionaries fought back by attacking the Bolshevik government. The Bolsheviks were also opposed by the Mensheviks (who had controlled the Provisional Government, and who they had toppled from control of the Soviets in September), and by the Tsarists (who wanted to rescue Nicholas II and put him back on the throne). Lenin made peace with Germany (the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, in which Russia had lost much of Russia’s best agricultural and industrial land to Germany, including Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and the former army officers were angry about this. Also, the Bolshevik government had taken land from the Tsar and the nobles and given it to the peasants, and the civil war was supported by those landlords who had lost their land. All these enemies of the Bolsheviks co-operated to try to bring down the Bolshevik government.
A second cause of the Civil War was the Czech Legion. These were some Czech prisoners of war being taken across Russia who in 1918 mutinied, took control of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and attacked towards Moscow.
Finally, these groups within Russia were helped by the Great Powers, angry that Russia had dropped out of the First World War.They were afraid because the Bolsheviks believed in World Revolution – the Bolsheviks set up the Comintern, led by Zinoviev, which said it would cause communist revolutions all over the world. Consequently, the Allies sent armies to destroy the Bolsheviks – British, American and French armies attacked from Archangel, Ukraine, and Vladivostock.


Questions – Rules

4. The :H is commonly abused and used as an admin chat. What circumstances is
it appropriate to use :H command? :H Is a very overused command by exp+ and most people with admin are guility to using it one or twice. That is why :H should only be used for Medium/Major Annoucements, Vote results and uncategorized things such as voiding something which has been said through :H,and some general stuff that is not chatting ect that is uncategorized.

5. What is the correct punishment for meta-gaming? What is the correct
punishment for repeated offenses? 5. Meta-gaming usually happens due to the player having knowledege of a future event maybe through hearing a player talking about it or knowing it from History, Meta-gaming is not a very big offense as it can happen to people sometimes but if it to be repeated it would result in jail time with warning and an explanation to the player. Past this the player usually would stop and would eliminate the problem completely.

6. What is the correct punishment for harassment? What is the correct
punishment for repeated offenses? 6. Harrasment of other players is not tolerated and repeated offenses would lead to a :kick or jail time and being reported to an Admin+(Mind that :kick would have to be done by a mod+ and I would ask them to do the command showing evidence) this kind of scenario is very unlikely but if the person is to continue with harrasment he would have to be banned from the server and reported to a admin+.


Questions – Problem Solving

7. Player 1 & 2 are in heated argument over who got to a select country first.
They both claim they got to the select country first. How do you stop the
argument and determine what player gets the select country? 7. I would make them on the count of three place down the nations capital near the exact location with its name, whoever I see finished first would gain the nation. If its fantasy I would make up a city name and show them the location and do the very exact thing.

8. Player 1 claims that Player 2 greifed their country however there is no
evidence to back the accusation. What do you do? I would use the “Z” to find out the name of the player that did the greif. I would then follow up with by listening to their versions of the story, I would check chatlogs to see if there might be a clue in one of the players activity. If there was a player around the location when the grief happened or if one of the players gave me a witness I would listen to what they said. Combining everything I would make out a mostly-accurate story. I would present it to the players and ask them if they want to confess and lower their punishment. If everything goes well one player would confess and it would be done with, they would receive punishment for grief and would be warned. If nobody confesses I would use the evidence to find one of them guility.


Short Answer – Extra

9. You see an experienced participant using fun commands, flinging and killing players in game interrupting the roleplay. How would you report the admin abuser. 9. I would instantly report it to a Admin+ with video proof or I would get an active Admin+.


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