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League of Legends Team Discussion

Note: These are the opinions of Karthus Pushed R. The ADC, not of the team.

(*Name* means priority or/and Karthus Pushed R does not think the person is fully comfortable on said champion, and should be working on improving with said champion. Do not take as an insult and do what you wish with the information).

(?Name? means potentially sleeper OP).

Top: *Rumble*, *Maokai*, Kayle, Shyvana, Mundo.

Mid: ?Viktor?, ?Soraka?, *Orianna*, Yasuo, Xerath.

Jungle: *Nunu*, *Lee Sin*, Wukong, Kha’zix, ?Amumu?, Elise.

Support: *Braum*, *Nami*, Thresh, Leona, ?Soraka?, ?Karma?.

Adc: *Lucian*, Corki, Ezreal, *Tristana*, Kog’Maw, ?Varus?.

Team Weaknesses

Lack of team warding. Need to improve it.

Need better team-fight shotcalling. Eg, someone saying who to focus or who to protect.

Improve rotations and poor team-fighting locations/engagements.

Work on 2v1 senarios. They will be common. This is mainly aimed at top and jungle. Jungle should be looking to either protect top or dive enemy solo lane in 2v1s. Top should be looking to secure as much cs as possible, warding around them self, and surviving.

Team Strengths

Objective control (like dragon) is quite good. We end up getting most if not all dragons.

Team-fight engagements are often met with zero hesitation from any member of the team.

When a lead is obtained, it is maintained and quickly leads to a victory. No dilly-dallying.


We lost one dragon we should have had a hold of. To prevent this in the future, I propose we allow the jungler before we start the objective (dragon, baron, a blue/red contest ect…) to call out what they want to happen in a jungle word. ‘Burst’ meaning as soon as the objective is some-what low (25%) we all burst it with spells or ‘guard’ meaning we stop the objective if an enemy is close and shoo them off or ‘break’ which means we break off the objective if someone is close and attempt to kill said target.

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