Site icon Somewhere To Write


I have a few things to say about Homestuck. It has been a part of my life for a good year and a half. And in this time I went through many stages. Hater, interested, reader, avid reader, obsessed, cold turkey, hater again, and now finally, a fan. And through it all, it’s improved my writing, my art, my life…Everything. Just one little webcomic has helped me through bullying, sadness, and my hard knock life. All I have to do to achieve happiness was to boot up my PC, shut my door, and log on. It has made my life into something so much more fun and enjoyable. It has helped me meet new friends, bond with old friends, inspired me to start a tumblr, and to get through everything going on in my life. And to think this life-changing comic all started…

With a young man, standing in his bedroom.

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