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I have a friend who keeps getting sick in PE or at practice or just in generally runs to the bathroom to throw up, but she wont admit to me and another person that she's sick. We both try so hard to keep her happy and healthy then she goes and screws that all up. We try to tell our teacher about her getting sick or ask her to go to the nurses office but she just ignores us and acts fine, later getting pissed off because "no one cares about her and all she is, is an inconvenience to everyone". When ever she needs to talk about anything (mostly past relationships that screwed up her mental health) I'm always there for her.. even at 4 in the morning when I have a tournament the next day. But when I need to talk she makes up an excuse, like oh I'm tired I need to sleep…. but.. I didn't sleep when you needed me… you're the reason my sleeping schedule is fcked. the other friend ( lets call him T) T is in a very committed relationship and tries to be as involved in that relationship as he can…. he doesn't usually hangout with our group anymore and when he does he doesn't pay any attention to the other people, just his girlfriend…. yet the other friend that's sick trust him more than anyone when T does even talk to her that much. I'm not trying to be a btch to T, he's my bestfriend and he helps me through most of my depression and family problems, hes there when nobody else is. I think I'm just tired of trying so hard to make people happy and getting nothing in return… but its okay, I'm used to it.

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