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It's always been me. The target. The one to blame everything on. the one to get let down. Ever since primary school I had a fantastic group of friends. I then soon realised that it was always me being dragged into these arguments. My 'friends' mum only booked a venue for 8 people when there was 9 going so my name was chosen out of a hat. This was done all over social media filmed live. After I left they all started to tale about me on the live stream. I hear one of the girl say 'she didn't like us anyway'. Even when I asked one of the girl to go out one day I got a reply saying 'can't sorry'. I see on her social media they were all out together shopping when apparently she was going out with her family. Then this girl keeps moaning about everybody and then she s best friends with them I really don't understand friendship anymore!!!!!!!!!! How many chances should a real best friend actually get????

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