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love is something in many words undescribable whether you wish to say its a release in dopamine or a mysterious force brought on by the universe and true love triumphs all and forever you need nothing else what if you were to think love comes with obligation from the day you were born were you supposed to love the people who birthed you did they love you how are we so angry when they don’t and take for granted when they do we always love someone for a reason we never love some random stranger we need reason to be together how many times are we in love with people or with the idea if we believe in true love I believe someday we’ll truly find it but until then how would we truly know what love is isn’t that how abusive relationships start we only love what we know and sometimes the perfect person lacks passion we need this and that was love truly a concept made by media a genetic need to survive I believe there is someone for everyone out there one of my favorite things I have is that I love everyone the moment I see them sometimes though love can fade with time and choices or it can grow together we don’t love alone

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