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I Now Realize………

It’s been five months since I moved away from my home, the place I belonged.Or I thought that I belonged.For you see, in the five months that I have been away, I have begon to realize that all the people I thought I knew, were just using me for one reason or another.Sadly befor I could realize any of that I made friends at my new home.I’m already trying to exclud myself from them but I feel as if I’m falling inside the same trap or getting caught in a cycle of repeated heartbreak. But the odd thing is,after awhile the heartbreak goes away, and it is replaced by a numb feeling, an uncaring and cold feeling.Even tho I can’t feel sorrow’s sting anymore, tears still fall from my face.Within time I know that I will forget the people I once cared for.But until then, tears will still fall and the numb and empty feeling will remain.

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