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There is this girl, who I have idolized since I was about 6. She does gymnastics with me, and she’s only two years older, but back then she was everything I wanted to be. She didn’t think much of me, until this last year, when she finally realized that we shared similar interests. Over these summer holidays, we’ve become incredibly close, and it’s honestly the happiest I have been in so long. Unlike all my other friends, who judge me constantly, and think that I’m weird for liking drama, she likes me for that. But now, of course, I’ve stuffed everything. There is this singer we both idolize, and it turns out I’m going to see her live. I try so hard not to brag, but I was so excited when I found out, that I was sort of going on about it to her on Facebook. It was only when I calmed down that I realized how horrible I was being. So now, after a short message telling me that she would kindly appreciate it if I shut up, I have’t heard from her in weeks. I am so angry at myself. I don’t want advice. I just want to tell someone.

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