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Sunday 7th October 2012

I have a fear of trust

Basicly i think everyone is against me that any moment now my friends will be like we dont like you leave us alone and i will be alone forever. I feel like everyone secretly hates me and that everyone is using me and pretending. I know i am a bit of a stand ofish person, [..more..]

STW#9578 | 1 Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 8:27 am - Uncategorized - by
Thursday 4th October 2012

Just read a facebook status….

and it said “Let’s all take a moment and realize how much time we waste in school.” Um, actually, LET’S JUST REALIZE that school is a f***ing privilege and there are many kids out there who would give anything to get out of a F***ING FACTORY or maybe, say, a BOX FOR A HOUSE and [..more..]

STW#9555 | Be the First to Comment | on October 4, 2012 - 10:10 am - Uncategorized - by
Saturday 15th September 2012

Is it not loud enough

Am I tired of you; am I tired of us? A flower would be nice. A ‘’hey baby lets go to the movies today.” But no that imaginary that’s what I call make believe. Give me a kiss once in a while. That would be great you know. How about a bear hug, I love [..more..]

STW#9420 | Be the First to Comment | on September 15, 2012 - 12:55 pm - Uncategorized - by
Sunday 9th September 2012

What can I do?

I feel so down right now its that exact moment where you’re not your normal but worse where you think of everything that is wrong in your life and realize that everything in your life is wrong. I don’t believe in true love anymore even though I want to and would like to be my [..more..]

STW#9370 | 1 Comment | on September 9, 2012 - 8:59 am - Uncategorized - by
Thursday 6th September 2012


Self-harm, is a way of expressing deep distress. A lot of people don’t know why they self-harm. It’s a means of communicating what can’t be put into words. It can be used as a release. See people assume if someone is self-harming they want to kill themselves, that’s not the case though for many people. [..more..]

STW#9344 | Be the First to Comment | on September 6, 2012 - 9:29 am - Uncategorized - by
Friday 31st August 2012

first love

First loves are always difficult but if at the final end of things ou realise tha you have no more tear left to cry then its sure that you have already used them up on that relationship and they are holding back for the next , whether it being a happy or sad moment.

STW#9298 | Be the First to Comment | on August 31, 2012 - 7:07 am - Uncategorized - by
Monday 27th August 2012

Why still I’m not happy?

Why I’m still not happy, i have a friend, i have someone to love me, but not sure if they love me back, but I don’t really care, because we already best friends, but why I’m still not happy.. there is something missing in my life I don’t know what it is.. i spend my [..more..]

STW#9267 | 1 Comment | on August 27, 2012 - 11:41 am - Uncategorized - by
Sunday 5th August 2012

I want to write my thoughts – Does everyone think this way? Would someone want to know mine?

In a song there’s a place- there’s a time- a moment- a memory-a picture- a life time- a lesson-an experience-How can that fit all in 5 minutes? I think its insane that you can reduce a life time to the length of a song-Do you ever wonder how you come up with your dreams?- I [..more..]

STW#9119 | Be the First to Comment | on August 5, 2012 - 4:34 pm - Uncategorized - by

I want to write my thoughts – Does everyone think this way? Would someone want to know mine?

How content are you really?- You are only as content as another lets you be- Disturbance of peace- The moment when you start questioning your sanity- Are you just ignorant or did s*** really just come out of no where? – Is there someone out there that has never told a lie?- Why are we [..more..]

STW#9116 | Be the First to Comment | on August 5, 2012 - 1:29 pm - Uncategorized - by
Monday 23rd July 2012

The Girl that no one Remembers…

I was happy. For that one small moment, I was happy. That doesn’t happen to me anymore. I’m not allowed to be happy. People that are like me aren’t allowed to be happy. So, why did you take it away from me? Why did you feel the need to be such a inconsiderate jerk. Why [..more..]

STW#9046 | Be the First to Comment | on July 23, 2012 - 10:51 am - Uncategorized - by