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Wednesday 13th June 2012


My biggest secret is that I’m f***ing terrified of the future. I’m terrified of what’s going to happen to me, what’s going to happen to my parents, my brother… I’m scared because I don’t know and I don’t have any control of what’s going to happen. And I won’t know until then. I’m feeling so [..more..]

STW#6849 | Be the First to Comment | on June 13, 2012 - 1:36 pm - Uncategorized - by


Child molesters and sexual abusers (whether using an adult, playing with her feelings) are sick evil people will rot in hell, burn in hell. they will get paralyzed from waist below, better yet full body paralysis. they will get worms inside them. Their organs will fail one by one, viruses will feed on their body. [..more..]

STW#6843 | Be the First to Comment | on June 13, 2012 - 6:59 am - Uncategorized - by



STW#6839 | Be the First to Comment | on June 13, 2012 - 3:29 am - Uncategorized - by
Tuesday 12th June 2012


I love her, but I’ve hurt her in the past too many times to have her back. I had weird dreams about her. Three all together, and all were related to a futuristic version of the Titanic. It was in the process of sinking. I save her three times. One time time I had to [..more..]

STW#6827 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 9:54 pm - Uncategorized - by


I liked a guy for 4 years, and I finally got over it. Now I like one of his best friends, and he seems to like me too, but he’s sending me mixed signals…..

STW#6823 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 4:08 pm - Uncategorized - by


I liked a guy for 4 years, then finally got over it. Now I like one of his best friends, and he seems to like me but is sending me mixed signals…..

STW#6815 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 4:05 pm - Uncategorized - by


Me and my bestfriend used to be sooooo close and I love her more than anyone in the world. Now she’s changed a lot but we are still bestfriends, well she mine. I look on Facebook and there is picture of he with loads of people and I don’t even know she knew them, let [..more..]

STW#6811 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 6:29 am - Uncategorized - by


I would do anything so that my parents don’t get divorce. I love them so much but they just don’t get on

STW#6807 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 6:22 am - Uncategorized - by


My boyfriend flirts with everyone and he says he doesn’t like slutS even tho all his past girlfriends have been sluts. Then on his face book it say he has commented in his ex girlfriend status ‘like for a line’ if he doesn’t like her anymore why does he care what she thinks. When we [..more..]

STW#6803 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 6:20 am - Uncategorized - by


I just feel very insecure about a lot of stuff. Sometimes i know i’m being insecure about trivial, non-important stuff. There is no use of such fears, they just make me a negative person. I dont want to be a negative person. I want to be a positive person

STW#6799 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2012 - 3:58 am - Uncategorized - by