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Wednesday 24th October 2012


(sorry for little to know punctuation or bad grammar just want to write my thoughts down.) I am depressed and confused. I’m not sure anything I do is right anymore, I think I’m a horrible father and my wife has told me that I am a bad husband. I was an artist and a photographer. [..more..]

STW#9717 | Be the First to Comment | on October 24, 2012 - 2:02 pm - Uncategorized - by

I want to give up….

I want to give up. I want to just stop and do what I want. I don’t want to have so much responsibility. I don’t want to be strong. I want someone to lean on, someone to take care of everything so I don’t have too. But I have no one. No friends, no family [..more..]

STW#9716 | 1 Comment | on October 24, 2012 - 1:40 pm - Uncategorized - by

I don’t even know how to put this into words. I guess I’ve learned to suppress everything since there’s really no place for me to go… It seems like whenever someone else does something it’s okay, yet when I do something, it’s the worst thing in the world and everyone decides to completely go against [..more..]

STW#9715 | Be the First to Comment | on October 24, 2012 - 12:50 pm - Uncategorized - by

This situation sucks

This was supposed to be MY junior year, I had amazing friends, I was beginning to open up and not be so shy with everyone. I got to see my amazing boyfriend everyday. Bam, my mother tells me im moving 300 miles away, the highschool that i would be going to is HUGE and from [..more..]

STW#9713 | Be the First to Comment | on October 24, 2012 - 10:49 am - Uncategorized - by

Why does he ignore me?

I honestly don’t even know what’s up anymore.. :c He use to always chat me, and say the most sweetest things ever. But that only lasted for about a week. He would always tell me I’m beautiful, and how I’m a little angel & this and that. But he stops now :c At school, he [..more..]

STW#9712 | Be the First to Comment | on October 24, 2012 - 8:28 am - Uncategorized - by

What can you do?

I’m from Washington State and moved to South Carolina. I’m married and have a kid on the way, but I miss my home so much. I wish I was still there it feels as though moving here broke a piece of my heart. People here call me names because I am not southern.I keep living [..more..]

STW#9711 | Be the First to Comment | on October 24, 2012 - 7:53 am - Uncategorized - by
Tuesday 23rd October 2012

Walks Away :(

“Get away from me you know how many hearts you broke how many people you’ve hurt i don’t want to be one of them.” And he walks away 🙁

STW#9710 | 1 Comment | on October 23, 2012 - 11:50 pm - Uncategorized - by


I’m just going to keep flooding this site until I get at least one like, one of you out there must like me

STW#9709 | 1 Comment | on October 23, 2012 - 11:22 pm - Uncategorized - by

Gloom and Doom

I’ve spent so long searching the darkness of my heart that I can no longer see the light to guide my way.

STW#9708 | Be the First to Comment | on October 23, 2012 - 11:21 pm - Uncategorized - by

there’s a motto for ya

I hate myself and I hate my life so f*** the world and where’s the knife?

STW#9707 | Be the First to Comment | on October 23, 2012 - 11:19 pm - Uncategorized - by