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Sunday 23rd December 2012

I don’t feel loved

I found out recently that i’m beeing called a slut in school, by my friends. Some of them treat me like stupid scum in the back, thay’re talking about it to my classmates. Before we were really good friends, I even dated one guy. But not only school, now it’s a priblem with my family. [..more..]

STW#10304 | 2 Comments | on December 23, 2012 - 3:58 am - Uncategorized - by


My mum caught me lying to a guy just now, he wanted me to come with him to a birthday, hes a really nice one. I didint want her to see that. she never sees my private life.

STW#10303 | Be the First to Comment | on December 23, 2012 - 3:25 am - Uncategorized - by

Think Too Much?

I feel like I am standing at the lowest end of a mountain and looking up at everyone that is already reaching the peak. They have all conqeured the mountain and already moving on to the next obstacles now, but there I am, still dragging on… So… I met one of them today. I panicked. [..more..]

STW#10302 | 1 Comment | on December 23, 2012 - 2:49 am - Uncategorized - by


It’s f***ing bulls*** how you’ve forgotten about me already, you promised forever, and then out of nowhere, you’re gone. You won’t even look at me or talk to me, even though I still care about you so much. You pay more attention to idiots half the intelligence of me and are just using you. I [..more..]

STW#10301 | Be the First to Comment | on December 23, 2012 - 2:32 am - Uncategorized - by
Saturday 22nd December 2012

could use some advice

So theres this girl that i work with, very very pretty girl, she had been kicked out of her house and was sleeping in her car, Now trying to be a good person, i offered her a place to stay, got the air mattress from my parents house set it up in my room and [..more..]

STW#10300 | 1 Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 10:12 pm - Uncategorized - by

Bits and pieces, the story of the protector

I could tell you things that would make your skin crawl, and maybe I will in telling the story of my life so far. I tend to skip things and go in a random order, I may start with something that happened ten years ago and skip to something that happened yesterday, I’m not sorry [..more..]

STW#10299 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 7:45 pm - Uncategorized - by

Happiness is in the air

Ahh I just published my first bit of writing, I’ve been watching the views on it like a mad-woman. It isn’t real of course, just some fanfiction, but reguardless I’m hopelessly excited.

STW#10298 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 7:17 pm - Uncategorized - by

I Feel Like I Made a Mistake

I can’t stop thinking about you, especially since I saw you last night at the hookah lounge. Your smile made me so incredibly happy inside. I feel like I messed up going too fast with you and I should have respected how you felt more. I still have deep feelings for you obviously, I tried [..more..]

STW#10297 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 6:20 pm - Uncategorized - by

Oh no!


STW#10296 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 4:36 pm - Uncategorized - by

I think I’m falling…

We went to school for years and weren’t exactly friends. We ran with different crowds. We never had any problems or quarrels, we just weren’t close. It’s now many years later and we are getting to know each other a little better. I feel like we have a lot in common, one being our faith, [..more..]

STW#10295 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 4:32 pm - Uncategorized - by