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Monday 19th August 2019

You don’t have to read it all, I just wanted to get it out of my system

I feel like no one cares anymore and that I'm just being used whenever I make plans with my " best friend " she always cancels. the first time we were meant to be going to the cinema and she said she was busy and couldn't come so I said yeah that's fine. the exact [..more..]

STW#48476 | Be the First to Comment | on August 19, 2019 - 6:57 am - Friends - by
Tuesday 9th July 2019


Sly sly sly, I thought you were my f***ing friend, you were the one who stood up for, me and now I catch you talking behind my f***ing back, don't talk to me again, I actually thought we were good yunno, but now you stop talking to me, and stop tagging me in your f***ing [..more..]

STW#48378 | Be the First to Comment | on July 9, 2019 - 5:31 am - Friends - by
Friday 21st June 2019

Fake friends and why I can’t be around them anymore (pls read :) need advice)

This is just getting petty…you actually counted how long it's been, and then come over to me and the new people in my life who actually care about me, and tell me it's been a month since YOU kicked ME out and think that I'm the bad guy, I'm done playing your games, you just [..more..]

STW#48330 | 1 Comment | on June 21, 2019 - 4:46 am - Friends - by
Wednesday 29th May 2019

I donnu what to feel anymore.

I've been to hell and back.I've been took for granted,been betrayed by my own trusted human beings,been hurt,been broken,been bullied,been depressed,been sad,been alone,been scared to be happy. I'm so scared to be happy because i know after happiness there is sadness. I'm so tired and i don't even know what to feel or what i'm [..more..]

STW#48254 | 1 Comment | on May 29, 2019 - 10:09 pm - Friends - by
Thursday 16th May 2019

Non stop question

"What is your favourite pokémon?" WANNA KNOW WHAT MY F***ING FAVOURITE POKÉMON IS? ASK SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY GIVES A S*** YOU PIECES OF F***ING FAECES, HOW ABOUT YOU GO AWAY, AND GET A LIFE, they won't leave me alone ahhhhh, every second "what's your favourite Pokémon?" And I can't stand it,.they're doing this just to [..more..]

STW#48208 | Be the First to Comment | on May 16, 2019 - 6:45 am - Friends - by
Monday 6th May 2019

Sharted In My Coworker’s Car

This past Friday me and one my coworkers, let's call her Heather went out to Taco Bell after work. I'm probably not going eat there for a while after what happened lol. After eating our food we were on the road again and Heather was taking me home. We were talking and Heather suddenly says [..more..]

STW#48179 | 2 Comments | on May 6, 2019 - 9:20 pm - Friends - by
Sunday 5th May 2019

ha they left, im free

All of my 'friends' are bullying me, they told me to leave, so I did, and now they won't leave me alone, they keep following me around the school, asking me weird questions like "(my name) what's your favorite pokemon?" They asked me this repeatedly, just to annoy me, and smirking every time I told [..more..]

STW#48170 | 1 Comment | on May 5, 2019 - 11:38 pm - Friends - by
Tuesday 12th March 2019


Today, I said goodbye to an enemy, who I thought was my friend. At least, we were friends. But…I still feel like I lost a friend, why?

STW#47903 | 1 Comment | on March 12, 2019 - 5:40 pm - Friends - by
Sunday 10th March 2019

i wish

I wish I could have stopped you from saying, "I do". I wish I had tried harder to ask you not to. I wish you had told me before how you felt. I wish it hadn't taken you this long to be honest. I wish i hadn't pulled away. i wish i hadn't let you [..more..]

STW#47892 | 2 Comments | on March 10, 2019 - 3:05 pm - Friends - by

i wish

I wish I could have stopped you from saying, "I do". I wish I had tried harder to ask you not to. I wish you had told me before how you felt. I wish it hadn't taken you this long to be honest. I wish i hadn't pulled away. i wish i hadn't let you [..more..]

STW#47891 | Be the First to Comment | on March 10, 2019 - 3:05 pm - Friends - by