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Sunday 21st December 2014

daddy’s little lady

Remember when you were a little girl Daddy would make you queen of the world Remember when you used to dance on his feet Or those songs you used to sing What about those games of hide and seek And the patters of your feet Remember those days of innocence Remember those days of happiness [..more..]

STW#23393 | 6 Comments | on December 21, 2014 - 5:27 pm - Uncategorized - by
Friday 19th December 2014


I posted this originally as anonymous so… I have been listening to ‘just a little bit of your heart’ by Ariana Grande for the past 2 days non-stop and I literally want to cry. I really like this guy(I know it’s silly) and he and I are fairly good friends even though he knows. I [..more..]

STW#23331 | 2 Comments | on December 19, 2014 - 8:39 am - Uncategorized - by
Wednesday 17th December 2014

Good enough?

I am so sick of feeling like and being told by people in todays society that I am not good enough, that I should (I quote from something someone has said to me) that I should “do everyone a favour and go shoot myself” what is wrong with society? where did we go wrong to [..more..]

STW#23299 | 5 Comments | on December 17, 2014 - 9:29 pm - Uncategorized - by